Did you see the face you used to have some years ago? It seemed to be so young and frown-free, like the portraits everybody loves to see; like the promises we always make every New Year’s Eve; like the furry & so-cute little puppies; like the brand new cars, smelling like the best scent of all times; like the first days of an early romance; like the ultimate spring clean-up that will take up to that tiny grain of dust out of the whole house. Everything so right in their right places.
But rumor has it that there is a final date for our days here, and that it will be tragical, full of pain and delusion, fear and despair, doubts and inconstancy. Nothing will be the same, nothing will be like before, and everything will be lost and different from what we know.
Wait a minute! Have you ever noticed the arrow of the time crossing upon everything like a hand that undoes all that’s ever been done, that cuts every string that we once thought was so tied, ruining from castles to tents, from empires to common families, from dreams to reality. Isn’t it the end yet?
Tell me really, what is actually yours? Tell me, what can you be so sure of to the point you can call it safe and sound, stable and reliable, faithful and eternal?
Tell me one thing that will be there, standing still the way you received it, or conquered it or even saw it?
Tell me anything that will be the same tomorrow, that is out there or even beside you, and that you can call it like an unbreakable and everlasting piece of world...
That new thing is already out of date, old-fashioned, spoiled and expired in a very short time or space.
Someone has said once that “every new beginning is some beginning’s end”… Isn’t that the end of the world as we know it, happening in each and every day of our lives?
We think we are so owner of everything that we have, that we are so owner of everything we are… Don’t you see that crushing wheel smashing everything into dust?
Well… who needs a 2012 to end with us?